Travel With Vik

Ajloun, Jordan

After an enchanting visit at Jerash, it was off to Ajloun, best known for its castle, which was used to defend against Crusaders many centuries ago. This was not too far from Jerash, and as we approached I could see its image on top of a hill. This location makes sense as from here all enemies could be seen.

The entrance was on top of the hill and cars weren’t allowed exactly at the entrance, so it was a few minutes trek to the castle itself. Luckily, this lent itself to some nice views.

Note the vast greenery, apparently this is the green region of Jordan, much different than the swaths of desert I had witnessed the previous two days.

The Jordan Pass once again came in handy as admission was covered for yet another destination. After a few minutes’ walk, I reached the castle.

This castle was definitely more photogenic and intact than Shobak. The interior had an array of staircases that went in different directions.

Sometimes, I would get lost and ended up in alleys of sorts.

However, the aforementioned staircases inevitably led to rooms. The brochures mentioned what happened to prisoners here, I tried to block this out of my mind as I wandered around.

I noticed some inscriptions on the ground in one area. I’m not sure of the meaning but it’s nice to see that they’ve been maintained to this day.

The quality of construction is rather amazing, in modern times we are happy with a house that lasts forty years, but this castle has been standing for centuries and still looks strong. This is a testament to those who built it without any of the modern technology we have today, but exponentially more ingenuity.

After about 45 minutes, it was back to Amman, where I would see my final destination in Jordan, the Amman Citadel.

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